Research on migration and other forms of mobility in Africa
Our research interests include im/mobility and drug trafficking, labour migration, return, and reintegration, gender mobility, and conflict in Africa.

Prof. Leander Kandilige
Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana.
His areas of academic research interest include: Global South-North migratory movements and their effects on policy formulation; migration-development nexus and implications for developing countries; migration and population dynamics; migration, globalisation and development; labour migrations in Africa and theories of migration.

Dr. Frank Ayisi
Migration Governance scholar
My research interest includes Migration Governance, (Im)migration Policy and Politics; Immigration Politics; Migration, Development and Security. Other areas are Climate Migration and Displacement; Transnational practices; Intelligence and Immigration Operations;; Border Security Governance; and Immigration Policy and Investment.

Dr. Ada Allotey
Migration and tourism scholar
My research interests include destination image and management, environmental management, rural-urban migration, urban sociology, transnational migration and tourism.
Technical papers and reports
Africa Migration Report 2024
Connecting the threads: Linking policy, practice and the welfare of the African migrant.
The Second Edition of the Africa Migration Report (AMRII) takes a regional approach on migration and human mobility by producing knowledge and analysis that will contribute to the African integration agenda. Building on the success and lessons drawn from the first edition, it will generate qualitative research, data and knowledge on migration in the continent to embed human mobility into broader development and continental integration policies as outlined in the African Union Agenda 2063. The report focuses on the different policy frameworks, processes and thematic areas on the status of continental integration. The report takes into consideration the cross-cutting topic of migration and health, climate-induced migration trends, data-based analysis of current and future human mobility trends, migration and trade, labour mobility, missing persons, and the role of new technology in facilitating interconnectivity and human mobility in Africa.