About AMSA

The African Mobility Scholars Association is an African-Focused Non-Profit Research Organization whose primary goal is to promote African mobility research to contribute to a balanced and nuanced discussion on global as well as Africa-centered mobility issues. 

We are a group of scholars and experts in mobility studies and related fields, consisting of both individual and institutional members. Through innovative research and a compassionate approach, we aim to advance the study of mobility across Africa

Advancing Development through Mobility Scholarship

Our team of experienced and compassionate researchers are committed to advancing development through mobility and migration scholarship. 

Meet our executive committee

Meet our dedicated team of executive committee members. 

Meet our advisory board

Meet our dedicated team of advisory committee members. 

Prof. Leander Kandilige

Chairperson of the AMSA Advisory Board

Meet our honorary members

Meet our esteemed honorary members. 

Give to support our association

We would gladly appreciate your gifts and donations to our programmes and research endeavours.